Bulgaria Who are the Pomaks (by Roumi Radenska), last updated: 073194 WHO ARE THE POMAKS? 'Pomaks' is the name of pretty large group of people who live mainly in Rhodopi mountains (southern Bulgaria, close to the border with Greece). They have muslim names and speak very ancient bulgarian language (bulgarian belongs to the group of slavic languages). Their ancestors were slavic christian people who accepted muslim religion. This fact took place in 16th and 17th centuries. There were several ways to become muslim that time, when Bulgaria like all Balkan peninsula, was part of the Ottoman empire. But most common paths to islamiztion were: 1. Through marriages. This way was valid for a number of bulgarian women. 2. Voluntary islamization. Main reason for that was escaping a lot of taxes. 3. Forced islamization. The largest amount of 'pomaks' became muslims that way. There are well known several ottoman actions for islamiztion of bulgarians living in Rhodopi mountain during 17th century. Here is coming the question: why ottomans forced the people living in that region only to accept the muslim faith? One of the explanations is: Rhodopi mountains were a huge hunting field for the sultan, his family and large number of his people. They needed to be served during their stay there (some times for months). According to their believes they have to be served only by muslims. That's why ottomans forced the large amount of bulgarian population in Rhodops to accept the islam. How we know about that fact? Ottoman empire had excellent organized tax system. All taxpayers were registered in books, their land or other property described in order to determine the taxes. Naming the taxpayers ottomans used identification on first name of the person and the name of his father. For example: Khasan, son of Ivan. Khasan is muslim name, but Ivan is slavonic, christian name. This is the way we know that 'pomaks' used to be slavic christian people before they became muslims. A lot of books from all 500 years of ottoman rule over Bulgaria containing data about taxes and taxpayers are saved in archives in Sofia, Burgas, Istanbul. 'Pomaks' were pretty isolated from the rest of the bulgarian society for centuries. They saved that old bulgarian language and some old customs which took place before 17th century. About 20 years ago, in the beginning of 1970s, the ethnography professor Ivan Koev from Sofia University lead a student expedition to pomak region called 'Chech'. They did research on language, crafts and customs in that area. I visited the village of Sarnitza entirely populated by pomaks in 1983. My impressions of that visit are still fresh. All the houses were new two stories brick buildings. Many families had cars. A lot of children were playing in the yards dressed with snow white shirts. It was such a peaceful picture and all the past seemed to be forgotten.